It's Official
Well anonymous-comment-leaver, the Match has come and gone, and for the next three years I'm going to learn Family Practice in.....
The Maine-Dartmouth Family Residency Program in Augusta, ME.
Augusta is a small hospital with no other residents besides Family Practice (don't have to "compete" with other residents to take care of patients (i.e. peds residents take all the kids, OB/GYN residents take all the deliveries, etc)and having spent three months there during medical school, I've built some strong relationships with a lot of the faculty there. All that, AND it's close to home.
I'm still a little bewildered by the whole process, as it's been very stressful not knowing where the next phase of our life was going to be, but now it's time to start planning adult things, like finding a house, finding Mrs. MC, M.D. a job etc.
Perhaps most importantly, I'm now on vacation until April 2nd!
Go MC, M.D. Go!
I promise I'll visit 12% more often in the future. Even more if you can meet me half way (Portland. I know, it's a crummy half way for ME).
Give my congrats to the Mrs.
(My best type-written impersonation)
Congratulations on the Residency. That must have been quite the waiting experience.
Lee :)
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